Week1A: Off on an Adventure

Off on an Adventure

In today's adventure, we are exploring together my blog and its layout. Choosing a theme for my blog was an interesting process to undergo. I was immediately attracted to the streamlined themes, and many of the ones that caught my eye were of the dark variation. I enjoy the contrasting colors that work best with the dark themes. I chose a bright aqua for my links and title on the page because they are eye catching, and stand out. This makes it easier to read for the user. 

I initially thought to use the background picture of the ball of pink, swirling fire. This works great with the bright, neon colors that I like to utilize for links and text. In the end, however, I decided to use one of my photographs of the ocean. I chose the ocean because this is where I am most centered, and at peace. When I write, I find myself also centered and at peace. The symbolism for me is to be reminded of this peaceful, centeredness each time I visit my blog space. 

I decided to use a streamlined approach, rather than multiple widgets and gadgets, as I want the focus to be on my posts. A few of the themes were intriguing, especially the recipe organization themes. I was tempted by that theme because it looked like a good way to organize one's posts into categories at a glance. I didn't see a dark option for that particular theme, so that theme was not my appropriate choice.

Exploring the Social Media Universe

In my exploration of the social media universe, I first cut my teeth by using Myspace.com. For those of you who aren't familiar with this platform, it was developed by a man called 'Tom,' who incidentally becomes your very first virtual friend when you join Myspace. The fascination for me with this platform was the use of html coding to 'pimp your profile.' I was able to add music players to my webpage, glittery fairies, a rotating 'Top Ten' Friend list, and many other cool features. All of this customization was made available for free on the internet (though we had to wait a long time, due to 'dial up' connections being so very slow). 

When I entered college in my early 30's, I was introduced to Facebook. Definitely not as cool as Myspace, but apparently that's where all the cool kids were hanging out. I quickly was hooked on the Texas Hold Em application, and planned my days around the Cooking Mama game. 

During this same time in my life, I began attending local Open Mic nights, as well as community theatre. I befriended so many talented artists and musicians, who were all struggling to market themselves in a competitive marketplace. I began to teach myself all about the newly-burgeoning social media applications, so that I could help my friends promote themselves. 

I became immediately fascinated with Instagram, as a photographer this is my main space. Delved a little into Twitter as well, though the abundance of information overwhelms me at times, so I don't spend too much time in that area of the web. 

For business purposes, I don't feel that I can give a great opinion on what platforms work best for business versus pleasure. If you are a shrewd marketer, you can start the next dance craze on Tik Tok, and drum up business for yourself. All the platforms are designed for different demographics. As time moves forward, the demographics evolve too. Facebook used to be primarily college students, and now my grandparents are even on the platform!

The key here I believe, is to create a welcoming user experience for the consumer. Be empathetic, responsive to changing times in your messaging, and create an online presence for yourself, not just individual webpages/applications that happen to sell your goods or services. People want to buy from people with whom they connect. Connect with others is crucial to social media success.


  1. Really like this color of teal blue color it is so bright and nice. This color screams look at me and read this.

  2. I like your color scheme, its very unique. Writing for me also allows me to feel centered. So happy we get to blog for this class!

  3. Hey, I really like the theme that you picked! I think this color was a perfect choice.

  4. I love your writing style, it truly has a novelist feel. I love the theme as well, it really feels fitting all together and quite dynamic! Looks so cool, GREAT JOB!

  5. Hello! I really like the bright teal you chose a color for this theme. The high contrast I have always appreciated on the internet. Easier to read and follow. Your writing style is engaging and informative, I may have to ask for some tips. Looking forward to reading your next post.


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