
Week 3 Part A: Aesthetics, Design, and Branding - Going on a Safari

Going on a Safari When going on a safari, we all pile into a jeep, drive deep into the African Desert, spending the day gazing at the wildlife in their natural habitat. We may compare our observations later in the day, around a campfire, burning brightly against the dark, night sky.  On today's adventure, we're going on a virtual safari together. Make sure to have your journal handy- we're going to hunt down websites in the wild, and see how they exist. We'll note their unique markings and colors (aesthetics), their calls to others for action (design), and how their design helps them to successfully catch their prey (branding/marketing to the average consumer). HeadHunter Hairstyling When you click the word “here,” one would expect to be directed to the pdf download. In fact, you actually have to click the pdf icon itself. I feel the word ‘here’ should be a hyperlink to the pdf file. Typically, in the world of web, when the phrase ‘click here’ is used, the word ‘here’ i...

Week 2 Part B - Comments

This week, on Review the Posts, our Team adventures to the Land of Blogs!  "How do businesses market themselves via social media?" is the question on everyone's mind today.  Shall we have a look?  - Kelly  - Chase  - Maggie  - Kyle  - Courtney  - Izzy

Week 2 Part B - Business Research: Hello, I'm here

 Hello, I'm here: The business of building a brand 

Week 2 Part A: Communication Between Business & Consumer -- An Hour is Too Long

 An Hour is Too Long:  The Importance of Social Media to Business Today

Week1 PartB

Getting to Know the Group

Week1A: Off on an Adventure

Off on an Adventure In today's adventure, we are exploring together my blog and its layout. Choosing a theme for my blog was an interesting process to undergo. I was immediately attracted to the streamlined themes, and many of the ones that caught my eye were of the dark variation. I enjoy the contrasting colors that work best with the dark themes. I chose a bright aqua for my links and title on the page because they are eye catching, and stand out. This makes it easier to read for the user.  I initially thought to use the background picture of the ball of pink, swirling fire. This works great with the bright, neon colors that I like to utilize for links and text. In the end, however, I decided to use one of my photographs of the ocean. I chose the ocean because this is where I am most centered, and at peace. When I write, I find myself also centered and at peace. The symbolism for me is to be reminded of this peaceful, centeredness each time I visit my blog space.  I decided ...